Sofia Curtis is a character played by CSI actress Louise Lombard. Curtis was previously sorpevisora team of the day. His first appearance was in the Season 5 episode "Formalities". Then his second appearance after two episodes, episode "Mea Culpa". On this day Grissom and his team are evaluated. Conrad Ecklie solves then separate the teams. Whereupon Catherine, Nick and Warrick and Grissom in Sara, Greg and then surpevisora who is demoted to criminalist for no real reason, and that is now part of the team. At the end of that season the team earlier is restored. And in the first episode of season 6, "Moving Bodies" Curtis back to CSI, but now as a detective. During season 6 in episode "Stray bullet - Part 1" she is accused of killing the cop Bell, who was in a shootout. Brass and she were shooting from behind, which is a serious mistake. Finally in "Stray bullet - Part 2" and it is cleared Brass was to blame for the death of rookie cop. In season 7 she is placed as the main character and appears in the opening credits. His last appearance was as a recurring character in Dead Dolls on Season 8 and exits without apparent reason. Currently in its 11th season Curtis back partipações special, now no longer as detective, but as sub-sheriff of New York leaving everyone impressed. There are reports that Curtis can do more partipações special this season and even next, or even come back as recurring character.
segunda-feira, 1 de abril de 2013
Sofia Curtis
Sofia Curtis é um personagem do seriado CSI interpretado pela atriz Louise Lombard. Curtis anteriormente era sorpevisora da equipe do dia. Sua primeira aparição foi no episodio da 5ª temporada "Formalidades". Em seguida sua segunda aparição dois episodios depois, episodio "Mea Culpa". Neste dia Grissom e sua equipe são avaliados. Conrad Ecklie resolve então separar as equipes. Ficando assim Catherine, Nick e Warrick numa e Grissom ,Sara, Greg e a então surpevisora que é rebaixada a criminalista sem motivo real, e que agora faz parte da equipe. No final desta mesma temporada a equipe anterior é restaurada. E no primeiro episodio da 6ª temporada, "Corpos em Movimento" Curtis volta para CSI , mas agora como detetive. Durante a 6ª temporada no episodio "Bala perdida - parte 1" ela é acusada de ter matado o policial Bell, em um tiroteio que houve. Brass e ela estavam atirando por trás, o que é um erro grave. Enfim em "Bala perdida - parte 2" ela é inocentada e Brass foi o culpado pela a morte do policial novato. Na 7ª temporada ela é colocada como personagem principal e aparece nos créditos de abertura . Sua ultima aparição como personagem recorrente foi em Dead Dolls na 8ª temporada e sai sem motivos aparentes. Atualmente na 11ª temporada Curtis volta para partipações especiais, agora não mais como Detetive, mas sim como sub-xerife de Nova Iorque deixando todos impressionados. Há relatos de que Curtis possa fazer mais partipações especiais nesta temporada e até mesmo na próxima ,ou até voltar como personagem recorrente.
Sofia Curtis is a character played by CSI actress Louise Lombard. Curtis was previously sorpevisora team of the day. His first appearance was in the Season 5 episode "Formalities". Then his second appearance after two episodes, episode "Mea Culpa". On this day Grissom and his team are evaluated. Conrad Ecklie solves then separate the teams. Whereupon Catherine, Nick and Warrick and Grissom in Sara, Greg and then surpevisora who is demoted to criminalist for no real reason, and that is now part of the team. At the end of that season the team earlier is restored. And in the first episode of season 6, "Moving Bodies" Curtis back to CSI, but now as a detective. During season 6 in episode "Stray bullet - Part 1" she is accused of killing the cop Bell, who was in a shootout. Brass and she were shooting from behind, which is a serious mistake. Finally in "Stray bullet - Part 2" and it is cleared Brass was to blame for the death of rookie cop. In season 7 she is placed as the main character and appears in the opening credits. His last appearance was as a recurring character in Dead Dolls on Season 8 and exits without apparent reason. Currently in its 11th season Curtis back partipações special, now no longer as detective, but as sub-sheriff of New York leaving everyone impressed. There are reports that Curtis can do more partipações special this season and even next, or even come back as recurring character.
Sofia Curtis is a character played by CSI actress Louise Lombard. Curtis was previously sorpevisora team of the day. His first appearance was in the Season 5 episode "Formalities". Then his second appearance after two episodes, episode "Mea Culpa". On this day Grissom and his team are evaluated. Conrad Ecklie solves then separate the teams. Whereupon Catherine, Nick and Warrick and Grissom in Sara, Greg and then surpevisora who is demoted to criminalist for no real reason, and that is now part of the team. At the end of that season the team earlier is restored. And in the first episode of season 6, "Moving Bodies" Curtis back to CSI, but now as a detective. During season 6 in episode "Stray bullet - Part 1" she is accused of killing the cop Bell, who was in a shootout. Brass and she were shooting from behind, which is a serious mistake. Finally in "Stray bullet - Part 2" and it is cleared Brass was to blame for the death of rookie cop. In season 7 she is placed as the main character and appears in the opening credits. His last appearance was as a recurring character in Dead Dolls on Season 8 and exits without apparent reason. Currently in its 11th season Curtis back partipações special, now no longer as detective, but as sub-sheriff of New York leaving everyone impressed. There are reports that Curtis can do more partipações special this season and even next, or even come back as recurring character.
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